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الرئيسية » Rewards and Prizes for the Brilliant Students

Rewards and Prizes for the Brilliant Students

1-The top 30 brilliant secondary schools students, science section, and top ten in literary sections and top five in the technical secondary schools, are granted 120 pounds annually

2- The new students of secondary and technical schools who get 80% at least in the exams of the secondary

Schools are granted 84 pounds

3-If the previously mentioned students got very good grade every year at  their faculties  they got the same rewards annually, but if they got excellent grade they get 120 pounds and 60 pounds in good grade condition

4- The student gets the previously mentioned rewards in the next year of getting the previously mentioned grades and the rewards is repeated annually if the students meet the conditions

These rewards are paid at the end of the academic year and to the inheritors if the student passed away