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الرئيسية » Youth Care Activities

Youth Care Activities

1-Sport Activity

1-Hold sport tournament and festivals in football ,basketball and Ping-Pong

2- choose the teams to represent the faculty to compete at the national level

3-Encourage the sport talents and upgrade them

4-consolidate the sportsmanship spirit

  • The activity of scout and general service
  • Holds the camps of the scout and general service
  • Implement the environment service programs and encourage students to partcipate the students in implementing them
  • 2-Social Activities and Trips

1 Organize trips and social, recreational and cultural camps for the students

2-Hold scientific, social and research competitions

3-Hold the ideal male and female students’ competition

Encourage the spirit of cooperation between the staff members and the employees

3-Artistic Competition

  • Encourage and support the artistic activities
  • Develop the artistic activity so as to agree with the lofty aims
  • Hold artistic competitions in music-coral playing music

4-The cultural and scientific activities

Hold cultural seminars and competitions

Upgrade the literary and the cultural energies of the students

Organize the cultural activity aspects to keep the student aware about the society’s needs

5-Group Activities

  • Group activities consisted of different students from different stages, the leader of the group is one of the staff members
  • Develop the cooperation spirit
  • Encourage taking responsibility 
  •  Strengthen the link between the students and their professors
  • Strengthen the link between the students and their colleges